Last Updated on October 15th, 2024

It starts with mom...

Just like any mother, dogs require extra love and attention during pregnancy. Research as shown that everything the mother experiences will effect the developing brain of the unborn puppy. In other words, mother nature will prepare it for the world the mom is dealing with. Nothing is more important at this critical time than to be surrounded by friendly, familiar faces. This is why we have all of our parent dogs live with us and chose not to have them live in guardian homes. The familiar surroundings make mom feel more at ease and the puppies will develop accordingly. If she is taken from her human family, she will feel alone and worry about her surroundings. Stress hormones will be released in the bloodstream and her puppies future development will be at risk. As a result, the grown-up dog will likely be unbalanced and exhibit undesirable qualities. That is why we have specially designed our facility to give our dogs a place to play, interact and rest in a totally secured environment. A happy dog will make happy pups. 

Spaying and neutering

There are many discussions on the pros and cons of spaying or neutering your pet. We cannot stress enough the importance that you understand the responsibility you are undertaking. The decision to spay or neuter should be researched extensively and discussed with your vet. The ultimate decision is yours to make. We thought this was a very fair article on the subject.

keeping them healthy

Newborn puppies are weighed every morning and charted to ensure proper weight gain. Any puppy not gaining weight could be a sign of illness.

We begin de-worming our puppies at 2 weeks of age and follow the recommended schedule until they are picked up by the owner.

At 6 weeks the puppies are vaccinated.

We move the mom and puppies to an area where she will teach them to use a doggie door and go outside to use the bathroom.

We feed our puppies Diamond Puppy Food.  Click here to see a picture of the bag.

We will provide a full printout of all health related events that you can give to your vet.